There will always be a question in our minds if he did it. Because there is no evidence it's easy to accuse without fear of truth coming out. It will always be his word against theirs. With woman after woman, mostly failed actresses coming forward, most writers and commentators readily agree he is guilty simply because there are so many of them saying similar things, like no one has achess to the internet or watches tv.
I know this is a sensitive subject with the main stream media constantly harping on a war on woman, mostly from the political right (whikch is untrue), which in itself is a whole other posting, but I don't think you can justify crusifing this man and his career because it's the in thing.
I personally disagree with other commentators that he has to be guilty because there are so many woman. I actually see it the other way. It's just too fishy to me that all these woman come out one after the other jumping on the band wagon, none of which thought it was a good idea to report it when it happened. I don't buy that their silence was in fear of losing their careers. That's a too convenient way out of answering for a serious accusation. An accusation that's destroying a marriage, a career, and legend. By all means, if any of this is true, then he should see penalty. But to destroy what this man has built over a lifetime, with no evidence, is wrong. Our justice system is based on innocent until proven guilty and justice is blind requiring evidence and a good argument to prove guilt. The media however is always VERY quick to jump to the defense of any woman accusing a man of sexual assault without any evidence. The media won't stop helping women with their accusations until proven wrong, and then there is no reprocussions for said media for helping ruin the accused man's life if the truth comes out the man is innocent. Media used to have integrity. Now it's about the fastest and best headline, right or wrong comes later. The video of the Bill Cosby interview with the AP clearly shows Bill turn down any questions and comment regarding this scandal. Bill even says that he agreed to the interview with the agreement from AP not to go there. They did anyway and Bill says that he agreed to the interview because of the AP's integrity. Everything after the interview was off the record, Bill made sure they agreed and they were supposed to turn the camera off. They continued to roll camera and Bill made sure the AP agreed to not air the off the record portion. They aired it anyway. How's that for integrity?
And what about the double standard? No not the "what if it was a woman being accused" argument, which could be a good argument, but the fact that there is so much assault within the hollywood and political arenas currently and in the past and the media picks and chooses who they blast. No one talks about, but actually praise celebrities like Will Smith, Jay Z, 50 cent, Chris Brown, CeeLo Green, Al Gore, Bill Clinton and the list goes on.
At this point I stand on the side of innocent until proven guilty. With solid evidence I will condemn his action and no longer support him. Until then, I hope Bill can survive the cruel media and these women's attacks.
Those are my thoughts. Have a blessed day.
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